BiG Deal is the world’s first decentralized auction house with smartly crafted 7+ auction mechanisms which are Engaging, Fun, and Gamified. Each auction brings in an amazing deal to its participants. BiG Deal has a clear path to revenue and value generation and aspires to create immense value for it’s community, investors, promoters and advisors.
Innovation & gamification of auction mechanisms. We had to build a decentralized blockchain-based auctioning platform encompassing multiple auction variations as popular in different parts of the world. The project involved studying various auction mechanisms, token generation, ICO and more. Through the BiG DEAL platform, for each auction, every item, every bid, and every transaction are recorded on a blockchain that is immutable and available to all members of the BiG DEAL community.
BiG DEAL’s ecosystem comprises the following elements
Speak with one of our subject matter expert! (Others charge upto $500 for this).
Real projects, Real people, Real deliveries, Real happiness, Real testimonials!
Andrea Brown
Founder : Lexeon
Sameul Meleder
Founder : Chimpare
Daniel Trevinho
Project : NFT Marketplace