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How can blockchain help your business?
Don't miss the bus.

Want to escrow funds without intermediate bank?

Want to create permanent non-editable records?

Create and sell your own token?

Loosing money to counterfeiting?

Want tamper-proof voting? 

Looking to raise funds?


Discuss with us and take an informed decision.

What are the specific business objectives or goals we you can aim to achieve with blockchain?

What are the potential benefits and limitations of implementing blockchain in your industry?

Which other players in your industry have implemented blockchain?

What are the scalability and performance limitations of blockchain for our intended use?

What are the regulatory and compliance considerations associated with implementing blockchain?

What are the costs involved in implementing and maintaining a blockchain solution?

How will blockchain integration impact your current processes and systems?

What are the potential risks and challenges associated with implementing blockchain, and how to mitigate them?

Can blockchain provide unique advantages or value compared to existing solutions or technologies?

Will implementing blockchain align with your long-term business goals and strategy?

How about an ROI analysis of implementing blockchain?

What is the readiness and maturity of the blockchain technology for your specific industry or sector?

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Blockchain industry

US blockchain market.img
  • IDC predicts that by the end of 2024, the annual global spending on blockchain solutions will reach $19 billion.
  • Gartner predicts that by 2030, blockchain technology will generate a business value of approximately $3.1 trillion annually, indicating that 10-20% of the global economic infrastructure will be governed by blockchain-based systems.
  • Statista forecasts that the revenues generated by blockchain technology will exceed $39 billion by 2025.
  • According to MARKETSANDMARKETS' report, blockchain is expected to emerge as the "Blockchain of Things."
  • The adoption of blockchain-based Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to increase significantly, resulting in a market worth $2,409 million by 2026.

Companies already using Blockchain